The first two production RipRow v2s! | RipRow™
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The first two production RipRow v2s!

The first two production RipRow v2s!

Hello Friends,
Today I picked up the first two boxed and finished RipRow v2s, complete with Pro Upgrade Kits. The parts look so good. I am so happy.
How exciting to see this thing progress from idea to reality. The guys at the fabrication shop all came over for the delivery, super proud of what we've accomplished.
The only delay is the handlebars. The fabricator bought a knurling tool for this job, but it overheated and broke! The bars are currently at a neighboring shop that has a water-cooled knurling tool. As frustrating as delays can be, that tickles my funny bone. The RipRow handlebar is so bad ass it needs a water-cooled knurling tool. 
As a thank you for your patience
This is a treat for the people who pre-ordered their machines. The first production run has a film on the base to protect it from scratches and wear during the fabrication process. After you assemble your machine, peel off the film and the machine will gleam! From there I encourage you to thrash it, sticker it up and use it like the bad ass tool it is.
You can see the film around the cut-out for the stamp. 
The bars have to get finished, then the machines get boxed, then they go to the logistics team, then they start shipping. 
I'll conservatively estimate the first machines will ship around May 15 in the order of purchase. 
I hope it's sooner. I'll stay in touch.
Behold the radness
Base unit ready to be boxed. I love how tidy this is.
Detail of the sweet sticker sheet.
Stack of decks. You can see the protective film. In the background you see the rare and coveted American tradesman. Your purchase of a RipRow helps feed him and his family. I take local manufacturing very seriously.
Namastoke to you all,


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